Support the IRDF
Just as every FSILG depends on the participation and goodwill of its members, the Independence Residence Development Fund (IRDF) depends on the generosity of alumni who believe that sustaining the FSILG experience is essential to the future of MIT. Today, as MIT and the FSILG community work together to build a flourishing future for FSILGs , alumni support for the IRDF (#3766600) has never been more vital. Unlike direct gifts to individual FSILGs, donations to the IRDF are tax-deductible gifts to MIT and count toward Class Reunion and MIT Giving totals. Gifts to the IRDF are also likely to qualify for a corporate matching gift, which can increase the impact of your gift.
Support FSILGs by making your gift today via MIT’s secure online gift form.
For donations from Donor Advised Funds, the gift is made to MIT, and donors should indicate that the gift is designated for the IRDF (Independence Residence Development Fund #3766600).
To make a gift by check, please make your check payable to MIT, identify it as a gift for the IRDF (Fund #3766600), and mail it to:
MIT Annual Giving
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
600 Memorial Drive, W98-200
Cambridge, MA 02139-4822
For those FSILGs planning a capital campaign, a change to the IRDF Project Grant policy has made it easier for donors to make a gift through MIT for FSILG facility improvements. In specific circumstances, when coupled with a Major Project Grant, 90% of a gift may be directed to your preferred organization. 10% will be allocated to the IRDF Community Fund to ensure that the entire FSILG community at MIT remains a vibrant and important element of student life. Please contact Anya Kattef ’98 for more information.
To make sure your gift is listed with the accurate FSILG, donors are asked to ensure that their living group is properly coded in the Alumni Database. To verify this coding, please contact Amy Davis in Alumni Relations or simply check your profile on the Infinite Connection.
Supporting the IRDF Through Estate Plans
Making provisions through your estate plans to support the IRDF can be an impactful way to provide valuable resources to support MIT’s FSILGs. Such gifts can be made through wills, trusts, or designating MIT as the beneficiary of a financial account (including donor advised funds, retirement plans, bank accounts, etc.). For more information about making provisions to support the IRDF through your estate plans, please contact Bonny Kellermann or by phone at 617-253-9722.
IRDF Administrative Costs and Alumni Advisory Boards
IRDF administrative costs are minimal. The research and recommendations on grants and loans are made to the MIT Office of the Vice President for Finance and MIT Treasurer by MIT alumni volunteer boards. MIT does not charge the IRDF and FSILGs for any administrative costs. The FSILG Cooperative, Inc. (FCI) receives an annual stipend to advise FSILGs and process IRDF grant and loan applications.
Three alumni boards advise MIT on IRDF programming, fundraising, and disbursment of funds:
IRDF Board of Allocation:
David Hutchings ’10, Steve Stuntz ‘67, and Susan Woodmansee ‘97
IRDF Grant Advisory Board
Anya Kattef ’98, Tom Holtey ‘62, and Sara Wilmer ‘03
IRDF Architectural Review Board
Steve Baker ‘84, Barbara Thornton ‘80
Support is provided by Anya Kattef ’98 and John McDonald of the MIT Division of Student Life and Scott Klemm and Nellie King of the FSILG Cooperative, Inc.